Call for Expression of Interest to conduct an Output to Purpose Review
The NECT seeks to appoint an appropriate service provider to conduct an Output-to-Purpose Review (OPR) of its programmes. The purpose of the OPR is to determine the progress that the NECT has made towards achieving its goals and objectives.
The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) is a public benefit partnership organisation involving government, business, labour and civil society. The aim of the NECT is to contribute to the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP). The NECT was established on the basis of a proposal in the NDP to establish a national initiative involving a coalition of stakeholders to drive efforts for improving learning outcomes in schools, starting with the worst performing.
Interested organisations are invited to attend a compulsory briefing session that will be held on Friday, 8 April 2016. The interested organisations should submit expressions of interest (EOI) including their capability statements to no later than Friday, 1 April 2016. The venue and time of the briefing will communicated to organisations that would have submitted EOIs. Click here to download a detailed Terms of Reference of the OPR. Any queries may be directed to Zethu Mhlongo by email.