Free learning material for Grade 12s to ensure higher pass rate

The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) together with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) is implementing a catch-up and recovery plan to assist matric learners across the country, through the 2-year-old Remote and Digital Learning (RDL) support programme.

The RDL programme comprises of Woza Matrics which focuses on grade 12, and Tswelopele campaign which focuses on grade 1 - 11. The main purpose of the RDL campaigns is to offer supplementary support that can help learners, their teachers and parents to work together to catch up on the curriculum, and to revise and prepare for the exam.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic two years ago, which has disrupted the education system, students have been adversely impacted by the lockdown restrictions. Fortunately the crisis created an opportunity to strengthen remote learning in South Africa. Now as matric learners gear up for mid-year exams, they will have free resources at their disposal. Thanks to the Woza Matrics Catch Up campaign.

The DBE and NECT have produced 54 new Matric study guides for high enrolment subjects and home language creative writing. The material is being used by the Class of 2022 and the Second Chance Matric Support Programme.

Over the past two years, the Woza Matrics campaign was able to meaningfully cover six of the ten priority subjects, namely Maths, Life Sciences, Geography, Physical Science, Accounting and Economics. A key component of the campaign is the delivery of TV programmes on the DBETV Channel 122 and this will support the Matric Class of 2022 in their exam preparation.

In addition, the programme provides quality content on the following subjects: Math Literacy, English First Additional Language, History and Business Studies.

The CEO of NECT, Mr. Godwin Khosa encourages teachers and parents to assist learners to make use of these resources, which are available for download on the Woza Matrics website. “We continue to spearhead support mechanisms for parents and learners during the education system recovery programme. We have developed simplified content so that parents can get a sense of what is being taught in the classroom and plan their participation at home. By doing this, parents can help pace up their children’s studies,” said Khosa.

The campaign has demonstrated the benefit of broad-based collaboration involving the public and private sectors in addressing critical education needs during this recovery period.

“Overall, our research shows that learners find these interventions helpful. Woza Matrics has been described by teachers and parents as practical and necessary to support the recovery programme,” concluded Mr Khosa.