Rapid appraisals of NECT’s work underway in 8 districts
Two schools per district - a primary and a secondary school – are included in the field visits. From pair of sample schools, one school will be selected as an example of ‘good practice’ and the other will be randomly selected.
Generally, Rapid Appraisal is an approach that draws on multiple evaluation methods and techniques to quickly, yet systematically, collect data about progress in programme implementation.
The objective of this appraisal is to obtain a snapshot about implementation progress towards envisaged outcomes. In addition, the appraisals will concentrate on teasing out ‘Stories of Change’ in the District Improvement Programme’s five focus areas:
- District improvement Teacher Professionalisation;
- Courageous Leadership and Management;
- Parent Involvement;
- Learner Welfare.
The NECT’s CEO, Godwin Khosa, explains: “This initiative also affords us to expose our funding partners and trustees to the work of the district teams and target schools. Partners and trustees will have a unique opportunity to interact with district level teams (both government and NECT), teacher union representatives, schools, teachers, learners, parents. We expect the trustees and partners to be impressed by the implementation progress made, efforts made by schools and the widespread change of practices demonstrated by principals, teachers, parents and their teacher unions. Among these practices are up to two folds improvements in the amount of teaching in many of the target schools”.
Reports from the appraisal teams will be consolidated into feedback into the NECT planning and report for the funders and other key stakeholders.
The appraisals will be carried over a two day period, 15 and 16 August.
Since its inception in 2013 the NECT has conducted two Rapid Appraisals, one in 2014 and another in 2015.
Chairman of the NECT board Sizwe Nxasana and two NECT trustees; Futhi Mtoba and Brian Figaji form part of the delegation. Other team members include representatives from teacher unions and District Steering Committee Chairpersons.